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News & Reviews

28 Jun

Nutrition in rehabilitation and long-term spinal injury. Paula Carroll Senior Clinical Dietitian

A spinal cord injury does not affect just our ability to walk and eat. Depending on the location, a spinal cord injury can affect nearly every system in our body including our skin, bladder, bowel, sexual function, breathing, temperature regulation and blood pressure. Then on top of all the physical…

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27 Jun

Talking about the C word: Hot topics and new ideas in nutrition and cancer

By Lee Mason, APD

Talking about the C word: Hot topics and new ideas in nutrition and cancer. A full day event held at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre June 27th 2019 The day was made up of four very interesting sessions 1. Hot topics in Nutrition and Cancer Dr Barbara van der Meij…

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26 Jun

Let’s raise the profile of disability dietitians:  an interview with Carmel Curlewis

By Paula Goodyer

When a Human Rights Commission report landed on Carmel Curlewis’s desk in the late 1990s it was like a call to action.   There were cases of people with disabilities who were malnourished, said the report, and they were on her doorstep - living in the Central West of NSW…

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20 Jun

Nutrition in acute spinal cord injury Presented by: Paula Carroll, Senior Clinical Dietitian

  A spinal cord injury does not affect just our ability to walk and eat. Depending on the location, a spinal cord injury can affect nearly every system in our body including our skin, bladder, bowel, sexual function, breathing, temperature regulation and blood pressure. Then on top of all the…

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17 Jun

FREE The EIN Listen app - A tool for busy APDs

Want to stay up to date with the world of nutrition on the go - and earn CPD points too? Our new Education in Nutrition Listen app connects you to our library of evidence-based webinars and case studies so you can create your own play list and download to listen offline on…

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17 Jun

Ngaire Hobbins on why dietitians need a bigger role in residential aged care by Paula Goodyer

By Paula Goodyer

When aged care allows people to dwindle: Ngaire Hobbins on why dietitians need a bigger role in residential aged care                                                                                                   Weight gain might be a problem in midlife but in older age the challenge can be keeping kilos on. This is where many aged care homes need to lift…

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14 Jun

Bone health and density: How the gut microbiome influences bone health Professor Laura McCabe, MSU

The gut microbiota is becoming increasingly recognised as important for our health. We are all aware of the gut-brain axis, there is now evidence that the gut microbiota plays a role in bone health as well. A healthy diverse gut microbiome can protect bone by increasing the absorption of dietary…

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06 Jun

Vegan diet case study. Presented by Jane Whitbread, APD

Jane’s case study is Dani, a 40 yr old woman who has been vegan for three years and has recently been experiencing fatigue. Jane uses food analysis software to assess Dani’s diet, which she finds is lower than recommended for the nutrients thiamine, B12, iron, selenium and iodine. Using plant-based…

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24 May

Diet and PCOS - emerging evidence Presented by: Claire Julsing Strydom, Registered Dietitian, SA

International guidelines for the management of PCOS were published late in 2018. The dietary recommendations are very general and limited. As Dr Kate Marsh, who was on the international panel, explained in her webinar with us that there just weren’t enough robust studies on diet and PCOS for the guidelines…

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17 May

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder- ARFID Case Study. Shawna Melbourn, RD, Canada

Jenny is a 12-year-old girl referred to Shawna for nutritional assessment and concern about her limited food intake due to extreme anxiety around food. On assessment both Jenny’s height and weight were clearly affected by undernourishment. She was a “good eater” until “pickiness” developed around age seven when she vomited…

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Page 36 of 53 pages