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Increasing muscle mass Presented by: Simone Austin, AdvSD, APD

Muscles are vital for our existence. We need skeletal muscle to move, smooth muscle for digestion, respiration and blood flow and cardiac muscle for heart function. Maintaining or increasing muscle mass is important not just for athletes who may want to bulk up to improve their performance but for anyone over the age of 30.

In Simones presentation she describes:

  • Why we need to maintain muscle mass- at every age and gender
  • Who wants increase their muscle to vs who needs to- and the importance of muscle as we age
  • ‘Bulking up’ is more than just protein, total energy needs to be considered
  • Protein- dose, timing, types
  • A word of caution on the use of protein supplements
  • How creatine is used
  • Case study- working with elite athletes, how others can too

Simone is an Advanced Sports Dietitian and president of Sports Dietitians Australia. She has worked with individual athletes, professional sporting teams and the general population in private practice for 25 years. Her recently published book, “Eat like an Athlete”, encourages people to use the powers of nutrition for their own life performance.

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