Probiotics in Clinical Practice: Part 2 by Dr Jason Hawrelak
Probiotics in Clinical Practice: Evidence of Benefit, Mechanisms of Action, and Risks of Use: Part 2 by Dr Jason Hawrelak, ND, BNat (Hons), PhD, FNHAA, MASN, FACN In Part 2 Jason talks about the need to cease throwing large doses of multiple strains of probiotics with unknown action and unknown…
Supporting LGBTIQ+ clients: how dietitians can be more inclusive - an interview with Tom Scully, APD

Up to 11 per cent of Australians now identify as LGBTIQ+* - and some are likely to need help from an APD at some point in their lives. So how could you best support a young gay man with disordered eating? Or an older trans client whose risk of heart…
Probiotics in Clinical Practice: Part 1 by Dr Jason Hawrelak
This is the first of a two part series: Probiotics in Clinical Practice: Evidence of Benefit, Mechanisms of Action, and Risks of Use: Part 1 by Dr Jason Hawrelak, ND, BNat (Hons), PhD, FNHAA, MASN, FACN Probiotics are defined as ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a…
Low carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes. Presented by Tim McMaster, APD, ASD
Like most of us, Tim was initially very sceptical about low carb diets being used in the management of type 2 diabetes. But the evidence is now clear that lower carbohydrate diets are a safe and effective treatment option. Many of our clients are either asking about low carb eating…
Food allergy - the challenges keep coming. An interview with Dr Vicki McWilliam

It was the birthday dinner that went horribly wrong. In 2017 a British teenager with an allergy to dairy food ordered chicken at a London restaurant, unaware it was marinated in buttermilk - despite telling restaurant staff of his allergy. He died of a fatal allergic reaction soon after. It’s…
Anorexia nervosa: case study 2. Presented by Maureen O’Connor, APD
Ellie is a 43-year-old lady who lives with her husband (who has T1DM) and works in a management position. She has a history of AN dating from her early 20s and has attended several day programs over the years although never allowed her weight to reach its natural level. Ellie…
Intestinal Failure. Presented by Dr Sharon Carey, PhD, Adv APD
Sharon defined intestinal failure and explained the classification of Type I, II and III intestinal failure. In her presentation she focused on the nutrition assessment and management of people with Type III intestinal failure. She explained the assessment process of Anthropometry, Biochemistry, Clinical (including fluid balance and medications) and Diet.…
Nutrition considerations in shift work. Presented by: Gloria Leung, PhD Candidate
Shift work is work that takes place outside the traditional 9 to 5 workday. It can involve evening or night shifts, early morning shifts, and rotating shifts. Many industries rely heavily on shift work, and millions of people work in jobs that require shift schedules. Shift work can take a…
Nutrition and Burns: Case Study Presented by: Michelle Cork, State Adult Burns Unit WA
A 35-year-old male sustained burns to 50% of his body after accidentally spilling petrol on his clothes and then drinking with friends around a campfire, where an ember ignited his clothing. In this case study, Michelle describes the general goals she explains to her burn patients: Preservation of lean body mass…
Working with indigenous communities competently. Dr Lisa Te Morenga, Senior Lecturer in Māori Health
Lisa explained how an indigenous notion of health is more broadly defined than just the absence or presence of disease. An indigenous notion of living well includes a balance of land, food, family and community connections, culture and health. Sickness tends to refer to an absence of balance between these…