Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder- ARFID Case Study. Shawna Melbourn, RD, Canada
Jenny is a 12-year-old girl referred to Shawna for nutritional assessment and concern about her limited food intake due to extreme anxiety around food. On assessment both Jenny’s height and weight were clearly affected by undernourishment. She was a “good eater” until “pickiness” developed around age seven when she vomited…
Kerin O’Dea: the power of traditional diets. By Paula Goodyer

In 1982 a young scientist called Kerin O’Dea went into the wilderness - literally - to study the health effects of a hunter gatherer diet and lifestyle on indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes. The results of this study in WA’s Kimberley region were dramatic: they found that combining…
Lifestyle change, diabetes and related conditions in Australian Aboriginals: Professor Kerin O’Dea
In 1982 Kerin O’Dea spent seven weeks living a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle with 10 Aborigines from Mowanjum community (Derby, WA) all of whom had been living an urban lifestyle and had type 2 diabetes. After seven weeks on a traditional hunter-gatherer diet, metabolic indicators of type 2 diabetes were either…
Dysphagia and texture modified diets Presented by: Colleen Kerr, Speech Pathologist
Using footage of video fluoroscopy Colleen describes the anatomy of a normal swallow then compares it with footage showing the changes which occur in dysphagia. She outlines the incidence of dysphagia including 15-30% of older people (>65yrs) living in the community and 100% of people with dementia. She suggests viewing…
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder- ARFID Presented by: Shawna Melbourn, Registered Dietitian
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, or ARFID, was introduced in the DSM-V in 2013. “Because ARFID prevalence, risk factors, and maintaining mechanisms are not known, prevailing treatment approaches are based on clinical experience rather than data.” (Thomas et al, Curr Psychiatry Rep, 2017) Shawna has been working with clients with…
Constipation in children Presented by: Peta Adams, APD
Constipation in children is fairly common, our focus is usually on food, but as Peta explains in her webinar, often the cause of constipation is not food but functional. As Peta states "If it was a simple matter of just eating a bit more fruit, they wouldn’t be seeing a…
Low carb diets for diabetes?

Low carb diets for diabetes? An interview with Dr Carmel Smart For adults with Type 2 diabetes, there’s evidence that a low carb diet can help reduce blood glucose levels, at least in the short term - but what about children with Type 1 diabetes? “Some families are interested…
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: case studies Presented by: Alison Stewart, APD
Alison Stewart has been practising as a dietitian for 25 years, mostly in private practice. When some of her clients with FODMAP intolerances did not improve using conventional dietetic strategies she began researching small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Alison interprets the breath test results of each of her three client…
Female hormones - Part 2 Presented by: Dr Kamaldeep Manak, MRCGP (UK), FRACGP (Aus)
Female hormones - Part 2. Nutrition and lifestyle interventions to alleviate symptoms. In her Part 1 presentation Kam gave us insights into the hormonal conditions which many of our clients have. In Part 2 she describes the nutrition and lifestyle interventions which can assist alleviate symptoms. Kam discussed the evidence…
Female hormones - Part 1 Presented by: Dr Kamaldeep Manak, MRCGP (UK), FRACGP (Aus)
Female hormones- Part 1. Oestrogen, progesterone and common hormonal conditions In Part 1 of her two-part series on the female hormones Kam reviewed the role of oestrogen and progesterone in healthy menstruation and fertility. She described in detail: The production of oestrogen (the main site is the ovaries with…