Eat to cheat dementia Presented by Ngaire Hobbins, APD
There are more than 353,800 Australians living with dementia. This number is expected to increase to 400,000 in less than five years. The good news is that lifestyle can have an effect not only on the prevention of dementia but also in aiding the maintenance…
Nutritional management of upper gastrointestinal surgery Presented by Dr Sharon Carey, PhD, APD
Nutrition management of Upper GI surgical patients is multifaceted. Our clients move from diagnosis into the perioperative then post-operative periods. They are then faced with the issues involved in long-term management, and unfortunately often into palliative care. However, at every stage nutrition can play a…
The International Dysphagia Diet Standard Initiative by Peter Lam, Co-chair IDDSI, Dietitian, Canada
IDDSI is coming to Australia The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) has produced standardised terminology to describe texture-modified foods and thickened liquids. It can be used for individuals with dysphagia of all ages, in all care settings and all cultures.…
Anorexia nervosa in adolescents Presented by Melissa Whitelaw, APD, PhD
Anorexia nervosa is a serious and potentially life threatening condition. As dietitians, there are few areas where we work in which our assessment and management is so critical. When we assess an adolescent we need to be aware of the possibility of an eating disorder…
Self-compassion presented by Dr Kiera Buchanan, DPsych (Clin & Health), BPsych (Hons)
To be human is to experience frustrations, losses, make mistakes and fall short of our expectations. But with self-compassion we are able to acknowledge our failings and not berate ourselves and be overly self-critical. Having self-compassion acknowledges that the most important…
Medication options for type 2 diabetes Presented by Clinical Associate Professor Mark Kennedy
Two hundred and eighty people develop type 2 diabetes every day in Australia and many are referred to see us for diet and lifestyle advice. Although we do not prescribe diabetes medications, it is important that we understand the choices available…
Foundations for success- goal setting for weight management by Glenn Mackintosh, Psychologist
Many of our clients come to see us because they want to lose weight. But the evidence shows that a restrictive dieting mentality is unhelpful- the more our clients focus on weight- the worse they do in the long term. So how do we assist people create a balance between…
Communications skills for health professionals presented by Elaine Doyle, Communications Consultant
As health professionals we have an important job in being able to translate what can be complex ideas and technical words into the useable and understandable. Whether you are dealing with clients one on one or in groups, with colleagues or…
Five tips from the Sustainable Eating conference ICD Sept 2016
1. Watch the SustainablEating trailer. This movie was created for the ICD 2016 conference, it was directed by Carlos Sabater Calafat and produced by a team of dietitians/nutritionists of the Spanish Foundation in collaboration with a group of young film directors, who are always excited to work on film projects…
FREE Food industry partnerships: A political slippery slope by Andy Bellatti, RD, USA
Andy is a Las Vegas-based dietitian who takes an interest in food politics, deceptive food marketing, sustainability, and food justice. Andy is a co-founder and the Strategic Director of Dietitians for Professional Integrity, a group that advocates for ethical and socially responsible partnerships within the Academy of…