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Foundations for success- goal setting for weight management by Glenn Mackintosh, Psychologist

Many of our clients come to see us because they want to lose weight. But the evidence shows that a restrictive dieting mentality is unhelpful- the more our clients focus on weight- the worse they do in the long term. So how do we assist people create a balance between managing their weight without being overly focussed on their weight, but still recognising that weight is an issue?

Glenn explained we should firstly address our client’s false hopes about weight loss. The weight loss industry instils four false hopes into people which ensures that their efforts to lose weight are doomed.

The four false hopes of weight loss:

1. Speed- that weight can be lost quickly

2. Amount- that large amounts of weight can be lost

3. Ease- that the process of weight loss is easy

4. Rewards- that when you have lost weight, all your dreams will come true

Secondly, we need to work with our clients to set weight management goals that are holistic, combine an outcome and process focus, and are realistic.

This approach can result in lasting moderate weight reduction and a range of benefits that extend well beyond weight management success!

Glenn Mackintosh is the founder and principal psychologist at Weight Management Psychology. Glenn’s research has investigated psychological and social factors in weight management. His passion is for helping people manage their physical activity, eating, weight and body image. Glenn also applies his expertise to train health professionals in using psychological principles with their clients who are grappling with weight management issues.

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