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Metabolic health in women presented by Lara Briden, BSc, ND

Lara’s presentation provides the detailed physiology, biology and practical application to help us manage our female clients with insulin resistance to improve their metabolic health.

Lara describes in detail the most recent theory on metabolic dysfunction, the fuel partitioning theory. Calories matter, but calorie surplus is the consequence of metabolic dysfunction, not the cause of metabolic dysfunction.

Learn about:

  • Insulin resistance (metabolic dysfunction)
    • That it’s common (at least 40% of adults), it’s not people’s fault, it’s a hormonal condition, it’s about way more than blood sugar or a low carb diet
    • How to measure it and how it’s the first metric to improve
  • The differences between subcutaneous and visceral fat and the significance for metabolic health.


  • Definition and symptoms of insulin resistance
  • The fuel partitioning theory of obesity
  • Epigenetics and the accelerating epidemic
  • Assessment of insulin resistance
  • Visceral versus subcutaneous fat
  • An approach to treatment

Lara Briden BSc, ND is a naturopathic doctor and author of the bestselling books Period Repair Manual, Hormone Repair Manual and Metabolism Reset. She has 25 years’ experience in women’s health and sits on several scientific advisory committees including The Centre for Ovulation and Menstruation Research (CeMCOR) at the University of British Columbia. She currently has consulting rooms in Christchurch, New Zealand, where she treats women with PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, perimenopause, and many other hormone- and period-related health problems.

To register for the presentation and associated documents including the assessment quiz click here

You may also be interested in Lara’s related presentations on perimenopause and periods (ovulation matters)