Low carbohydrate nutrition. Presented by Camilla Dahl, APD
Low carbohydrate diets have not generally been recommended by health associations until recently. Diabetes Australia’s 2018 position statement says “For people with type 2 diabetes, there is reliable evidence that lower carb eating can be safe and useful in lowering average blood glucose levels in the short term (up to 6 months)”. And in May this year the American Diabetes Association consensus report stated that “For select adults with type 2 diabetes not meeting glycemic targets or where reducing antiglycemic medications is a priority, reducing overall carbohydrate intake with low- or very low-carbohydrate eating plans is a viable approach”.
Camilla's presentation updated us on the nutritional and metabolic effects of low carbohydrate diets including:
- Insulin resistance
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Levels of carbohydrate restriction
- Safety concerns
- Ketosis vs ketoacidosis
- Electrolyte management
- A brief case study of diabetes reversal
Camilla has shared food lists which we have permission to use.
At the end of her presentation we spent some time discussing some of the challenging aspects of the diet.
Camilla is an Accredited Practising Dietitian specialising in low carbohydrate nutrition at The Low Carb Clinic in Melbourne. Holding a Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice with previous education in biomedicine and exercise science, including research publications in the area of diverticulitis, she is an advocate and proponent of low carb having supported hundreds of patients in the treatment of a range of common and chronic conditions with this approach. Providing easy to understand nutritional materials, regular support and monitoring of blood makers related to hyperinsulinemia and metabolic inflammation ensures a smooth and safe transition onto a well formulated low carb diet. Addressing side effects, patient concerns and correcting misunderstandings in regard to low carb nutrition are essential to re-assuring patients, promoting adherence and sustainability.
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