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Food Regulation. Presented by Louise Fisher, APD, BCom/LLB











As a dietitian, have you ever looked at a food product and wondered what laws govern the information on the package?  Louise Fisher provides us with a really clear understanding of food and nutrition regulation by explaining the three principles of food law;

1. Food Safety.

2. Competition and Consumer Protection.

3. Nutrition and Health claims.

She deciphers the information on food labels and explains how manufacturers gain compliance with the Food Standards Code (what’s compulsory information) and Australian Consumer Law (what they legally can or cannot claim).

Louise also discusses the ACCCs role and cites some fascinating court cases.

Most importantly, she outlines what this all means for the future of Food Regulation in Australia and how to use these laws to advocate for better nutrition and empower you as a dietician to help your clients make better food choices.

About the author – Louise Fisher is an APD and the founder of Food 360, an organisation which provides regulatory advice to companies in the complex area of food labelling. 

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