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Diversity in Dietetics. Presented by 5 APD’s from very different cultural backgrounds

Diversity in Dietetics is a presentation by five APD’s from five very different cultural backgrounds, all living and working in Australia.

Noell Burgess is Aboriginal Australian and describes her traditional diet; an abundance of seafood, berries and fruits.

Dung Pham was born in Australia, but her parents fled Vietnam 34 years ago by boat. Dung describes the communal nature of Vietnamese meals and their three components: salty, stir-fry and vegetable broth.

Farah Wilson’s background is Lebanese. She explains a typical Middle Eastern style eating pattern. She encourages us to ask about the use of specific foods in our Middle Eastern clients.

Purva Gulyani was born and raised in India. She explains how the Indian diet varies significantly depending on the region. Despite this there are commonalities; 70% of the worlds vegetarians are Indian. Rice and vegetables feature heavily.

Kirstine Kira, of Maori heritage shows us how to incorporate nutrition education in a culturally meaningful way to our clients.

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