Inflammatory bowel disease. Presented by Dr Guru Iyngkaran, gastroenterologist
Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition which is increasing in its prevalence and Australia and New Zealand have some of the highest rates in the world. As dietitians we are well aware of how disabling this condition can be. There are continuous advances in…
The Low Carbohydrate High Fat diet
Caryn Zinn, PhD is a New Zealand registered dietitian who has an extensive range of clients as well as being a senior lecturer at the Auckland University of Technology. Initially skeptical about LCHF Caryn is now an expert on this diet. About three years ago colleagues at Auckland University…
A/Prof Lynn Riddell talks about iron, zinc and micronutrients in the Australian diet
Associate Professor Lynn Riddell is from the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria. Lynn has been busy investigating and publishing her findings on the impact of micro nutrients on the health and well being of people in Australia for over a decade. In her webinar she…
Logging your CPD
You are professionally competent and up to date- you’ve attended seminars, workshops, watched webinars, read journal articles, mentored and more. The evidence is all there- it just happens to be on the top shelf in a shoe box- flyers of the seminars you attended, notes from the journal articles you…
Travelling gluten free. Tips from Sally Marchini a dietitian who’s been there…
When Sally Marchini was diagnosed with coeliac disease she took matters into her own hands and studied dietetics. Now she is an APD with expert knowledge on how to travel on a gluten free diet. This 25 minute webinar is designed for you to use with your clients. Along with…
Common drug nutrient interactions. The evidence is building… Associate professor Lesley Braun
Lesley Braun firstly trained as a pharmacist and then studied naturopathy. Her career has been driven by her passion for the safe and effective use of both conventional drugs and complimentary medicines. Lesley co-authored the best-selling textbook ‘Herbs and Natural Supplements – an evidence based guide’ which presents evidence-based information…
Practical Plant Based Eating: The Vegan Way to Good Nutrition. Amanda Benham APD & Lucy Taylor APD
The most common complaint by vegans is that they’re given poor nutritional advice by being told, “why don’t you just sometimes eat eggs or fish for some B12!?”. In this webinar, vegan APD’s Amanda Benham and Lucy Taylor provide you with more appropriate answers to vegan questions. They clearly explain…
Dietary management of eosinophilic oesophagitis. Presented by Vicki McWilliam AdvAPD
The Rise and Rise of Elimination Diet Approaches to Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) With the increase in EoE over the last 20 years, this webinar is presented by renowned Adv APD Vicki Mc William. In this one hour recorded webinar, Vicki gives a detailed explanation of how to recognise the signs…
Interpretation of hypercholesterolaemia. Presented by A/Prof Ken Sikaris
Ken gave a comprehensive explanation of lipid profiles and their role in the development of cardiovascular. How would you interpret the following lipid results? According to Ken..."Her cholesterol is fine. Her LDL level is fine. Her HDL is diabolically bad for a woman. It should…
Insulin resistance - How to manage it. Presented by Susie Burrell, APD
Your client complains of being tired, hungry, craving carbohydrates and an expanding waistline. A common presentation of someone with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a serious metabolic condition in which baseline insulin is unable to optimally regulate glucose meatabloism. Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, but importantly, can be…