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Dietary management of eosinophilic oesophagitis. Presented by Vicki McWilliam AdvAPD

The Rise and Rise of Elimination Diet Approaches to Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE)

With the increase in EoE over the last 20 years, this webinar is presented by renowned Adv APD Vicki Mc William. In this one hour recorded webinar, Vicki gives a detailed explanation of how to recognise the signs and symptoms of this often misdiagnosed condition, how it is diagnosed and the dietitians’ role in dietary management.

EoE more commonly presents in males and in people with an allergy or a family history of allergic disease.

What do the symptoms look like? In children, the symptoms may include feeding aversion or feeding difficulties. There may be children that have had a history of reflux as a baby that really hasn't settled. They may vomit; sometimes numerous times a day, several days in a row but then have days where they don't vomit. Children will often complain of abdominal pain even though the disease is occurring in the esophagus.

In adults the symptoms tend to be more the chronic presentation of EoE. Often, in adults, eosinophilic oesophagitis is not being picked up unless they have quite severe and chronic symptoms. Around the a third to a half of adult patients are diagnosed due to a food impaction episode.

How do we diagnose EoE? A gastroscope and biopsy is really the definitive diagnosis for eosinophilic oesophagitis. The diagnosis is determined by an elevated number of eosinophils in the histological samples that are taken from the oesophagus.

Other conditions that can make the oesophagus inflamed and have a high infiltration of eosinophils need to be excluded. Conditions like Crohn's disease, celiac disease, reflux, can all make the esophagus look like it does when that patient has EoE.

Vicki then takes us through a logical and thorough explanation of each of the various elimination diets and the evidence upon which they’re based. These diets include; the six food; four food; two food and single food elimination diets. She also provides the latest reputable resources currently available to assist you in planning the dietary advice needed for your clients.

You can register to receive the recorded webinar and associated documents here