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Body image for exercise professionals Presented by Marina Payne APD, CEDC-D

Recognise and respond well to your client’s body image distress.

As exercise professionals, we all work with people who have a body image; that is the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs about our bodies and how we look.  And its likely body image dissatisfaction will show up in exercise spaces; it’s common and our society has normalised using exercise to fix body image distress.  Recognising and responding well to a client’s body image concern means taking an approach that avoids reinforcing harms. Here’s where our work begins.

Learn about: 
- The 4 parts that make up our body image
- The body image spectrum 
- The ‘most important thing you can do’ when you recognise body image distress in your clinic 

The presentation covers: 
• The impact of body image on health behaviours (negative and positive) 
• How body image distress presents in clinical settings
• Appropriate responses to reduce harm

Marina Payne is a credentialled eating disorder clinician and APD who has worked in a collaborative team of healthcare professionals in the area of eating disorders for over five years. Marina understands the need to tailor her approach appropriately as she recognises that her clients will bring forth their own unique experiences. Marina uses the non-diet approach and works within a weight-inclusive healthcare paradigm to assist her clients in turning towards their own body’s inner wisdom.

Stream 01 Sept