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Body image for exercise professionals

01 Sep, 2024

Recognise and respond well to your client’s body image distress. 

The presentation covers:  

  • The impact of body image on health behaviours (negative and positive) 
  • How body image distress presents in clinical settings
  • Appropriate responses to reduce harm

Read a review of the presentation here

You might also be interested in Binge eating disorder in exercise settings featuring Marina. 

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.

About the presenter

Marina Payne is a credentialled eating disorder clinician and APD who has worked in a collaborative team of healthcare professionals in the area of eating disorders for over five years. Marina understands the need to tailor her approach appropriately as she recognises that her clients will bring forth their own unique experiences. Marina uses the non-diet approach and works within a weight-inclusive healthcare paradigm to assist her clients in turning towards their own body’s inner wisdom.

Registration includes:

  • Presentation notes

  • Assessment quiz and certificate

  • Suggested further reading

  • Access to a recording of the webinar


Registration types:

  • Multi-user: $99

  • Individual annual subscriber – 12 months access to entire Education in Exercise library: $144 (Group pricing is also available)

  • Individual on-demand presentation: $38 (special - buy 5 and receive 7)

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