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The Satter Division of Responsibility in Feeding Presented by Eve Reed APD

Growing eating competent children with sDOR

Competent eaters feel good about eating, are comfortable with unfamiliar food, are connected with their appetite and enjoy family meals. Paediatric Dietitian Eve Reed shows us how The Satter Division of Responsibility in Feeding (sDOR) is the roadmap for developing eating competence in children. We can support parents in their feeding role providing leadership and structure- what, when and where; allowing the child to develop autonomy, deciding whether to eat, and how much.

Learn about:

  • How feeding pressure at family meals backfires
  • Alternative ways to support a child to increase food variety
  • Why we should adopt the sDOR over restrictive feeding practices for children in higher weight bodiea

Eve Reed is a paediatric dietitian based in Sydney. After working for many years in early childhood education, she went back to study Nutrition and Dietetics. For 14 years, Eve worked at the Children's Hospital at Westmead Sydney, and then moved into private practice. Having been introduced to Ellyn Satter's work, she wanted to learn more; and went on to train with Ellyn and become a faculty member of the Ellyn Satter Institute.

Eve says “I had often felt that telling parents what to feed their children, rather than how to feed them just didn’t work. It doesn't respect or honour the child as a person and often ends in conflict. I work with parents to help them take the stress out of feeding their child/ren, to trust their child's appetite, and to let them grow in the way that nature meant them to.”  

Eve is a mother and grandmother and is passionate about family nutrition and helping parents to enjoy feeding their family.