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Renal nutrition part 2 MNT for Dialysis and AKI by Associate professor Kelly Lambert, PhD, AdvAPD

As an expert in the field of renal nutrition, Kelly Lambert gets lots of questions from dietitians. In this really useful update, some of our most common queries are addressed. By explaining the physiology involved and latest guidelines Kelly gives practical solutions to curly questions.

  • I have a patient who I am seeing in clinic and renal function has dropped from eGFR 56 to 50 – is this AKI ?
  • Do I need to use a renal feed ?
  • How much fluid do I need to give ?
  • When is the best time to give education ?
  • What is the best nutrition support strategy ?

Learn about:

  • What dialysis does and does not do when it comes to replicating kidney function.
  • The differences in nutrient losses and side effects between peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis
  • Prerenal, renal and post renal causes of acute kidney injury

Test your knowledge on nutrition and dialysis here

To register for this  presentation and associated documents including the assessment quiz click here