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Plant-based eating in infants: Part 1 Key nutrients presented by Dr Amanda Benham, PhD, APD

Plant-based eating is on the rise, particularly in young women and the number of infants being weaned onto a plant-based diet is increasing.

A study of vegan parents found 36% did not inform their primary care paediatricians about their vegan diet.

If parents cannot obtain support from their health professionals, they will seek other sources, which could put their infants and children at risk.

Our two-part series on plant-based eating is designed so we can provide support and accurate information to our clients who are plant-based eaters and their infants.

In part 1 Amanda provides a detailed account of the assessment, reasoning and management behind the key nutrients which are difficult to obtain on a plant-based diet (B12, iron, zinc, vitamin D, selenium, calcium, omega-3 (ALA, DHA, EPA), choline, vitamin A, protein)

In 2022 Amanda completed her PhD on the Vitamin B12 intake of women of reproductive age on a vegan diet in Australia. She has additional qualifications in paediatric nutrition, has been a vegan for nearly 40 years. Amanda has the unique experience of being highly educated in vegan nutrition, working with clients clinically specialising in vegan nutrition and  being vegan herself- as well as her children and now grandchild.

To register for the presentation and associated documents including the assessment quiz click here

In part 2 Amanda gives expert advice on the practical application. More information about part 2 here