An update in ICU nutrition Presented by: Varsha Asrani, Senior ICU Dietitian Auckland City Hospital
The last guideline for nutrition in ICU was published nearly 12 years ago in 2006. The new guideline is significantly different, with 57 recommendations on clinical nutrition in the ICU. Varsha explored some of the key recommendations and outlined research which contributed to their formation. Including: Who should be…
What’s new in coeliac disease? Presented by: Dr Jason Tye-Din, MBBS, PhD, FRACP
In just over an hour, Dr Tye-Din reviews our knowledge to date and explains and clarifies the latest developments in coeliac disease. Coeliac disease results from a loss of immune tolerance to gluten which results in an autoimmune attack on the body. Coeliac disease is not a food allergy. In…
The role of diet in multiple sclerosis Presented by: Dr Jonathan White MBChB, MRCOG
Dr Jonathon White has two separate jobs. One of them is in Coleraine, Northern Ireland where he works as an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, with a special interest in early pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy loss. His other job is with the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis (OMS) charity. In 2015 Jonathon was diagnosed…
Gastroparesis and dysmotility disorders Presented by: Dr Sharon Carey, PhD, APD
Normal well-co-ordinated gut peristalsis requires both muscle and nerve function. When there is damage to the muscles or nerves or both, dysmotility occurs. This dysmotility gives rise to GI symptoms which are commonly abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms which we would regularly see in many of our…
Severe mental illness case study Presented by: Scott Teasdale, APD, PhD Candidate
People with severe mental illness have a 20-year reduced life expectancy compared to the rest of the population. Their reduced life expectancy is due more to the metabolic changes caused by the medications used to treat the psychotic illness than the psychotic illness itself. In his case study, Scott provides…
How can you assist your clients when you are not physically present? Rachel Bradford, APD
The Spoon Project The Spoon Project began when one of Rachel’s clients commented “when I am here with you, it makes sense, but when I get home I find it hard to remain positive” This got Rachel thinking about how she could help her clients continue to build a positive…
Which grains contain gluten? Free flyer
Atta, graham, arrowroot…it can be confusing for our clients to know which grains and cereals contain gluten, and which are gluten free. Isabella Fedele, APD has created this flyer to share with our clients. It lists the regular and alternative names for gluten containing grains as well as gluten free…
Disordered eating in diabetes: Issues for clinical practice. Dr Kylie Mosley PhD (Clin Health Psych)
The incidence of disordered eating in both type 1 and 2 diabetes are much higher than the general population. There is growing evidence that type 1 diabetes is a risk factor for developing eating disorders (insulin omission is reported by up to 40% of people with type 1 diabetes). One…
Orthorexia nervosa: case study Presented by: Sarah McMahon, Psychologist
Mary is a 22-year-old woman presenting for treatment due to concern her family has regarding her relationship with eating and exercise. She lives at home and works full time. She meets diagnostic criteria for OSFED (Other Specified Eating and Feeding Disorder) and her presentation is consistent with “orthorexia nervosa”…
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Presented by Dr Nirala Jacobi, ND
In her webinar Nirala explains the causes, diagnosis and treatment of SIBO. 1. Causes for SIBO can be threefold: a. Damage to the migrating motor complex (MMC) which results in bacteria not being cleared or swept out of the small intestine. b. Altered anatomy or structure of the small intestine…