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News & Reviews

14 Sep

Food provision and nutrition support for athletes at major competition, A/Prof Fiona Pelly, FSDA

Fiona is internationally recognised for her expertise in food provision at major sporting competition events and has evaluated the menu for six Olympic and two Commonwealth Games since 2000. Providing food for athletes at major competition is not just about sports nutrition. As demanding as that is having to cater…

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05 Sep

Mental health: why dietitians matter

By Paula Goodyer

There’s a fact about mental health that dietitian Scott Teasdale wants to change: the one that says people with severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, bi-polar and other psychotic conditions die 20 years earlier than the rest of the population. “A key reason is weight gain associated with anti-psychotic medication…

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05 Sep

Pancreatic Exocrine Replacement Therapy by Ruth Vo, APD

Dietitians often lack the confidence to diagnose pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI). But our involvement with GI clients puts us in a very good position to be identifying PEI. In her presentation Ruth explains how pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is identified and how it can be managed with enzyme replacement therapy. It’s…

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04 Sep

Colorectal cancer: case study Presented by Anna Beaumont, APD

The case: Mr J B is a 63yr old man who was diagnosed with locally advanced (peritoneum, bladder wall) rectosigmoid junction cancer (Stage IV, T3, N2). Anna describes the general goals of nutritional therapy in cancer patients undergoing colorectal surgery: Optimise nutritional status prior to surgery Minimise the stress response…

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24 Aug

Oncology Nutrition By Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre Dietitians

Oncology Nutrition (RRP $175) is a comprehensive guide to the evidence-based nutritional management of cancer patients. It is written by expert dietitians from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne and peer-reviewed by multidisciplinary cancer clinicians. Oncology Nutrition incorporates up-to-date research and evidence and highlights important considerations for all cancer types…

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17 Aug

Renal Nutrition Part 2: Acute Kidney Injury and Dialysis basics. Kelly Lambert, AdvAPD

Following on from her Part 1 Renal Nutrition webinar which explained fundamental concepts of poor kidney function, in Part 2 Kelly explained the nutritional considerations in acute kidney injury and haemodialysis. In Part 2 Kelly describes Acute kidney injury: Essentials of AKI for dietitians, the causes and phases of AKI…

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17 Aug

Renal Nutrition Part 1: Basics of renal nutrition. Kelly Lambert AdvAPD

Conditions for a perfect storm of chronic kidney disease are present now. They involve an ageing population, an increased prevalence of diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Many of our clients are at risk or already have kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is a progressive degenerative disease, any dietary changes which can…

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11 Aug

Good for you or bad for you? Harvard’s verdict on soy food

By Paula Goodyer

If there’s one food that can polarise opinion it’s soy. Depending on who’s talking, soy gets the thumbs up for protecting against heart disease and breast and prostate cancer - or the thumbs down for contributing to these cancers, along with thyroid problems. Now the Harvard T.H. Chan School of…

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07 Aug

Diabetes burnout - what are the signs and how can dietitians help?

By Paula Goodyer

There’s no such thing as a holiday from diabetes - and for some people the constant vigilance of managing blood glucose levels can bring diabetes burnout, meaning they feel so overwhelmed or frustrated by their condition that they take less care of themselves. “Burnout affects people with both type 1…

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02 Aug

Cancer cachexia presented by Jane Harrowfield Clinical Lead Dietitian, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

“Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome that is defined by an ongoing loss of skeletal muscle mass (with or without loss of fat mass) that cannot be fully reversed by conventional nutritional support and that leads to progressive functional impairment” Fearon K, Strasser F, Anker SD, et al. Definition and…

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Page 41 of 53 pages