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Movement for child development. Presented by Liz Dawson AEP

Engaging kids in exercise impacts all key areas of development 

If you’d like the chance to get excited about engaging kids in more exercise, then you are in the right place. Kids Heart Pilates founder, Exercise Physiologist Liz Dawson brings her wealth of experience to introduce us to the impact of exercise on child development. 
If development is the progression of skills and learning, it is obvious that physical development is impacted by regular movement participation. Yet, the interconnected nature of all five development areas- physical; cognitive; language and communication; social emotional and sensory- means that movement plays a role in enhancing ALL child development. 

It’s a web of connection and connecting. 

It means gross motor movements prompts new sensory experiences which in turn initiates new motor output patterns. 

It means supportive environments invite kids to try novel experiences, to build confidence which boosts self-esteem and capacity to play with others in dynamic environments. 

It means using imagination to participate in active storytelling, encouraging kids to be bold and explore the full potential of their physical ability. 

So, making exercise accessible and habitual for kids makes sense. It supports them as they develop as a ‘whole person’. Yet, engaging kids in exercise calls for a unique skill set. Liz shares her tips for engagement, safety and intrinsic motivation to help us, and the kiddos, along. 

Liz Dawson is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Pilates Instructor & Entrepreneur. She has worked across a number of health disciplines and in 2014 established Northside Allied Health. However, it’s paediatrics that capture Liz’s heart. She founded Kids Heart Pilates with the mission to give all children the opportunity to connect with their body through fun movement.

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points. Available now.