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Introducing oral health into dietetic practice presented by Lindy Sank, APD

Many medical conditions affect oral health such as poorly controlled diabetes, HIV, cancer treatments and the medications used to treat medical conditions. Additionally, illness can affect the ability to eat.

Poor oral health such as oral pain, missing teeth and dentures in turn affects the ability for an individual to eat a full and varied diet. 

At variance with this, periodontal disease increases your risk of several health conditions, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Hence mentioning oral health as part of dietetic consultations can promote health, support those with medical issues that have dietary involvement and prevent further deterioration in health.

Learn about:

  • The medical conditions that affect oral health
  • The areas of dietetics where discussion of oral health is beneficial
  • Diet and dental health basics: dental caries and dental erosion

Lindy Sank is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who has been working with the Dental Profession since 1993. She was an Associate Clinical Lecturer for the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney (1994 – 2016). Lindy undertakes individual counselling, lectures for dietetic students, and supervises dietetic students for clinical placement.  Lindy is actively involved with oral health promotion activities, educational seminars, and development of resources

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