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Education in Exercise’s Improve client retention, presented by Stephanie Notaras, APD

How to help your clients find exercise motivation, make changes and come back.

Creating a booming exercise service that keeps clients supported and engaged is an essential, and really challenging, part of our role as movement professionals.

Beyond our knowledge of pathophysiology and prescription considerations, clinical communication skills is the bridge that forms meaningful connections with our clients.  We help them find motivation, experiment with change and return for more support.  

Learn about: 
- Why you need an intentional strategy for client retention  
- 5 essentials for behaviour change 
- What to do before offering too many uncustomised solutions 

This professional development also covers: 
• Common barriers people experience when changing
• Common mistakes AEPs might be making
• A clinical framework and counselling strategies to improve client outcomes and retention

Stephanie Notaras is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with a Masters in Counselling. She is PhD Candidate investigating the impact of behaviour change elements that may improve patient outcomes in chronic kidney disease. Stephanie has developed, evaluated and published a counselling and behaviour change framework. She offers a Dietitian Counselling Skills Program and also lectures on this topic at a university level. Her career mission is to ensure health professionals have the necessary counselling and behaviour change skills to help facilitate change effectively and build successful practices.

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