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Dietary supplements for arthritis presented by Dr Tim Crowe, PhD, AdvAPD

Tim provides a detailed and practical overview of supplements available to treat Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Managing these conditions involves the appropriate selection of medication by a doctor, but clients often seek additional supplements. Supplement choice can be confusing due to the many available, commercial advertising, and often conflicting or poorly conducted studies. This presentation helps us to understand for which type of arthritis certain supplements are suitable; their mode of action; active components and dosages suggested by evidence-based research.

Learn about:

  • The different supplements being promoted for arthritis and the evidence for the potential benefits being claimed
  • The mode of action, therapeutic dosage and contraindications of commonly used dietary supplements for arthritis
  • Suggestions as to choosing dietary supplements for arthritis

Dr Tim Crowe is a career nutrition research scientist and an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian. He has 30 years of research and teaching experience in the university and public hospital sector, covering diverse research areas of basic laboratory research, clinical nutrition intervention trials and public health nutrition. He now works chiefly as a freelance health and medical writer, scientific consultant and science communicator. He has an active media profile and a large social media following through his Thinking Nutrition blog and podcast. As an accomplished scientist, author, speaker and media commentator, he educates the public through his engaging writing and informative talks, simplifying complex nutritional concepts.

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