Hypothalamic amenorrhea case study Presented by Dr Kate Marsh, PhD, AdvAPD, CDE
Michelle is a 27 year old woman who presents for dietary education for PCOS. She had a number of symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of PCOS (irregular periods, PCO on ultrasound and difficulties trying to conceive) but her history was otherwise not reflective of PCOS. She was mainly seeking help…
FREE The thyroid gland and how to interpret TFT’s. Presented by Dr Ken Sikaris, BSc(Hons), MBBS, FRC
Thyroid function tests are not always straightforward, at the pathology lab where Dr Sikaris works, thyroid function tests receive the most queries of any test performed. It was great to have Ken back with us to describe the fundamentals of thyroid disease and using case examples from blood tests, explain…
Haematology oncology: case study Presented by Lauren Atkins, APD
Lauren begins her presentation with an explanation of haematological malignancies, treatment options and the impact of haem cancers and treatment on nutrition. Her case study is Alison, a 46-year-old woman diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. She has induction chemotherapy and stem cell harvest and is planned for autologous stem cell…
Bulimia nervosa. Presented by Shane Jeffrey, APD
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder and a severe mental illness. The person with bulimia nervosa often also engages in behaviours to hide the eating, purging or exercise, which means the condition can go undetected and untreated for a long time, with physical health implications. In his webinar Shane describes…
The new PCOS guideline, what’s relevant for dietitians? Dr Kate Marsh, PhD, AdvAPD, CDE
Kate was a member of the Lifestyle Management and Models of Care Guideline Development Group (GDG) for the International evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of PCOS. It is with this experience and insight she gives a thorough overview of the guideline, specifically explaining the relevant sections for dietitians.…
Autism Case Study Presented by: Rocco Di Vincenzo, Consultant Dietitian
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms can range from mild to severe, and include difficulty in social interaction, restricted or repetitive patterns of behaviour and impaired communication skills. It is estimated that around 1 in 150 people in Australia have autism, males are four times more likely than females to have…
Anorexia nervosa: case study Presented by Shane Jeffrey, APD
Jack is a 20-year-old semi-professional basketball player and medical student. He was referred to Shane by his GP with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Shane briefs us through Jacks’ 18 months of treatment using the RAVES model; the support Jack has from his parents, gradual introduction of sport and his…
Cortisol Dr Kamaldeep Manak, MRCGP (UK), FRACGP (Aus)
Not long ago, the effects of stress on health weren’t understood or considered significant. When someone described themselves as feeling stressed they were generally ignored or told there was nothing wrong with them. We now know that stress and increased cortisol levels have profound effects on our bodies. This is…
Nepali health promotion resources
A Melbourne GP and practice nurse visited a remote health clinic in Nepal in October to help set up a patient record system. At present, the clinic has no medical record system. They thought while they were there they could also offer some preventative health initiatives. Diabetes and tooth decay…
The effect of trauma on health Dr Tony McHugh, Clinical psychologist
The effect of trauma on health, the impact of childhood and adult-origin traumatisation Dr Tony McHugh, Clinical Psychologist How can trauma possibly be relevant to dietetic practice? Trauma related mental health conditions can result in poor physical health and in our day to day practice we are possibly seeing many…