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Creating and embedding nutrition policies. Presented by Kate Wilkinson, APD & Amy Wakem, APD

If you’re in the position of having to develop a nutrition policy for your organisation, Kate and Amy bring their experience from Nutrition Australia to provide a step-by-step guide.

They explain the importance of nutrition policy, then outline the steps in the policy implementation process, illustrating with examples and tips throughout.

When organisations are reluctant to change, they suggest using examples of success stories to help with your plan.

Communicate frequently, widely and generously during all stages of the implementation. Make sure to review, take on board feedback and congratulate success with those involved.

Kate Wilkinson, APD and Amy Wakem, APD work at Nutrition Australia in the Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

Kate supports local councils and sport and recreation facilities across Victoria to develop healthy eating policies and implement government nutrition guidelines, through their catering, retail outlets and vending machines.

Amy is the early years and schools subject matter expert and Education Coordinator. She supports schools and early years services align with nutrition policy to improve food and drink provision and teach healthy eating habits in the classroom.

To register for the presentation and associated documents including the assessment quiz click here

Another presentation which describes implementation of nutrition policy in detail is Implementing the IDDSI in a 9-site healthcare organisation presented by Lina Breik, APD. Lina details her experience on the how, what, when, and why of IDDSI implementation across the 9 Eastern Health sites.