Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing for emotional eating by Georgie Beams, Pgrad Dip Psych
Emotional eating is a complex area, often requiring multidisciplinary involvement to achieve long-term change. Many clients will present distressed with their behaviour, knowing what the ‘right thing to do is’, but struggling on a day-to-day basis in achieving change. This is due to the subconscious mind playing a great part…
Resources Nutrition GI Part 1- Chronic gastrointestinal conditions
GI Assessment/IBS/Psychogastroenterology/Low FODMAP diet/Coeliac disease/Gut microbiota/SIBO Dietitians are firmly established as specialists of gastrointestinal concerns. The breadth and depth of working knowledge needed to address GI concerns is considerable. Often we are acting as a clinicial co-ordinator; interpreting symptom progression, flagging further testing, addressing nutritional adequacy, supporting plan adherence and…
Assessing your GI client- a two part series by Marnie Nitschke, APD.
Gastrointestinal health is arguably one of the most complex and evolving areas within the dietetic space which has received a lot of publicity in recent years. Whether working in private practice, community health, or clinical roles, individuals will commonly present with gastrointestinal issues, some of which are more complex conditions…
Breath training. Presented by James Fletcher
Make the work of breathing easier. We take for granted that breath facilitates movement. The function and capacity of the muscles that perform this work of breathing is often overlooked. James sparks our interest in improving the strength of breathing muscles, to make the job of breathing easier. The scene…
Type 1 diabetes: Resources to help the experts self-manage
“What can I help you with today?” When asked this question, a client with type 1 diabetes may reply with any number of responses, calling for the dietitian to have a range of specific skills in: Teaching carb counting Hyper- and hypo-glycemia management Macronutrients and insulin dosing strategies Meal planning…
Presentations on cancer nutrition
Cancer nutrition management calls for an informed understanding of what’s normal. Normal anatomy. Normal physiology. Normal metabolism. Normal appetite. Normal digestion. With cancer, and cancer treatment, these normals are often disrupted. The disruptions present themselves to us as nutrition impact symptoms, which act as signposts for our dietetic input. Our…
Challenging clients. Presented by Sharon Curtain
Recognising, resolving and avoiding discord in collaborative client relationships You’ve likely experienced discord in your clinic, even if you weren’t able to put a name to it. Sharon describes how discord can show up in closed body language, argumentative responses, and agreeing readily- “yes, yes, yes!”. We may have called…
Breast Cancer Case Study by Lauren Atkins, Senior Oncology AdvAPD
Recovery after breast cancer is often a complex process, especially given that many individuals feel that they are living in another body during and post treatment due to surgeries, body composition changes, and altered eating habits. Weight and body image concerns are significant in these clients given that some may…
Nutrition resources for type 2 diabetes
It can be hard to maintain a granular focus on the details that make each person with type 2 diabetes, and their needs, unique. Yet the ability to do this is meaningful. It allows us to personalise our support, accounting for each client’s clinical presentation, expectations and current desire for…
All together now - why dietitians should stand with the WHO on formula milk marketing
Let’s count the claims that the formula milk industry uses to mislead consumers and undermine breastfeeding. Formula products with added ingredients improve brain development and immunity Formula products are needed after 12 months of age Breast milk is inadequate for the nutrition of older infants and children Formula keeps babies…