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Cardiovascular disease and nutrition presented by Dr Terri-Lynne South

Dietitians see many clients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Often, we are the first health professionals to be able to spend a longer period of time explaining the elements of this broad condition. This can involve interpretation of their knowledge of the condition, individual lifestyle preferences and current practices, examining risk factors and explaining evidenced based treatments.

Terri Lynne gives listeners a great recap and update on CVD (Cardiovascular Disease) or now called ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease). She describes what primary and secondary prevention represent in this area and an overview of some of the medical nutrition therapy which has been suggested in the past and now.

Learn about:

  • What cardiovascular disease is
  • Risk factors for CVD (traditional vs emerging)
  • Considerations in holistic management in varying scenarios depending on an individual’s goals, age and past medical history

Dr Terri-Lynne South is dual qualified as both a Medical Doctor and a Dietitian. She is the Medical Director of a specialised health service: Lifestyle Metabolic.

Terri-Lynne has more than 25 years of experience in the health profession and is passionate about metabolic health with a focus on providing a holistic health service, that achieves positive outcomes anchored in evidence, innovation, and experience.

She sits on several advisory committees at the state and national level to ultimately help clients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other health conditions associated with living in a larger body. 

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