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Binge eating disorder in exercise settings Presented by Marina Payne APD, CEDC

Appropriate and in scope responses for exercise professionals. 

As exercise professionals it’s likely that we are unknowingly working with individuals with eating disorders including Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Eating disorders don’t have a fixed appearance or body size so recognising psychological and behavioural signs of BED gives us the opportunity to respond well. Appropriate expression of care and concern as well assisting with onward referral is an important part of providing best practice care. 

Learn about: 
1. The CEED traffic light tool for prioritizing clinician action for higher risk presentations 
2. How pausing exercise interactions is indicated when individuals present with BED signs and symptoms 
3. Practical statements to express care and concern for a client presenting with BED signs and symptoms 

The presentation covers: 
• Signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder 
• Typical exercise pattern presentations for individuals living with binge eating disorder 
• AEP scope for nutrition advice, onward referral and appropriate communication

Setting the context: we are working within the Early Identifiers and Initial Responders roles as guided by NEDC’s workforce core competences.  Additional upskilling is indicated to continue working with individuals with a diagnosed eating disorder, or to use exercise as treatment for an eating disorder and is outside the scope of this content.  

Stream 01 October