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Water, hydration and fluid. Presented by Pauline Douglas, UK dietitian










Is water the Forgotten Nutrient?  Pauline Douglas has over 30 years of clinical and academic experience in dietetics and she chairs the European Healthy Hydration awareness campaign.  This webinar shows the importance of hydration in relation to health and gives guidelines as to how much fluid we need for good health.  Pauline presents clear evidence of the links between lack of hydration and consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks, with specific diseases such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and renal function and disease.

Discover how Copeptin, a precursor of AVP (Arginine Vasopressin) can be used as a stable co-marker for AVP, and see how increased levels are linked to health issues in “low” drinkers and those clients presenting with oedema.

Pauline gives practical advice on what questions to ask clients, as well as ideas on how to make water more palatable and how to address client concerns around drinking more water.  Always consider hydration in our practise!


Pauline Douglas is a registered dietitian, senior lecturer and clinical dietetics facilitator at the University of Ulster.  She is also vice-chair and education director of MEdPro, an interdisciplinary global centre for nutrition and health, and is co-author of “Dietetics and Nutrition Case Studies,” a book dedicated to problem based learning.


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