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Trauma-informed care in movement prescription. Presented by Samantha Cameron AEP

It’s for everyone.

In movement prescription, no matter what the clinical setting, working with people is at the core of what we do. Implementing a trauma-informed framework in your practice creates more accessibility for everyone. AEP and trauma-informed yoga teacher Samantha Cameron shows us how trauma-informed care can be applied to a movement prescription setting.

In learning to recognise the physiological impact and presentation of trauma, the Polyvagal Theory and neurological considerations are introduced. A helpful 3-step response approach follows:

Step 1. Practitioner boundaries, self-care and support 

Step 2. Apply a framework

Step 3. Clinical presentation and prescription  

The trauma-informed framework introduced has six components; each are unpacked. The aim is to regulate physiological arousal and offer the invitation of safety. Delivery is primarily through the vehicles of environment, communication and collaboration. A great variety of approaches are offered which can be applied in the broader clinical setting, and also, more specifically, in prescribing movement. Both proactive considerations, as well as responsiveness to the individual as they present, form the actionable takeaways.

Trauma-informed care can be for everyone. A significant majority of Australians have been exposed to a traumatic experience, and trauma leads to a higher likelihood of developing chronic conditions. It’s likely then, that you see individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma may be disclosed and central to your client’s engagement, or not. As movement professionals we have the opportunity to realise, recognise, respond and resist re-traumatisation.

Samantha Cameron merges together the knowledge of both Western science and Eastern practices to provide an integrated approach to physical, mental and emotional wellness. She is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and a trauma informed yoga teacher. Sam’s approach aims to facilitate greater internal awareness through education, understanding, and safety. She applies yogic practices and principles, alongside other movement modalities, in a therapeutic and accessible way.

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