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Resilience presented by Cathy Love, Accredited Coach, Occupational Therapist

As health practitioners, and perhaps small business owners, we want to be successful, effective and sustainable. It makes sense then, that we are interested in resilience- that is, the ability to recover quickly from challenges. Because of course, challenges are an inevitable and inherent part of our work.

Cathy Love from Nacre Consulting hosts us for a practical and immersive reflection on resilience. Adaptation, flexibility and adjustment are introduced as key concepts, and each have a clear application to managing the challenges of our professional practice.

Resilience myth busting helps us to think more critically about our assumptions and ultimately might make exploring our own resilience more accessible. Is resilience a skill or a trait? Do resilient people rely on innate strength or do they create strong networks? Is resilience about the avoidance of negativity, or perhaps exposure to adversity? -or neither!

A great deal of space is offered to reflect throughout; including the chance to establish your own list of Resilience Boosters. These are the habits and actions that support your resilience both inside and outside of your professional spaces. You’ll leave feeling more grounded and perhaps eager to explore your resilience more. For keen learners’ this can be an area of rich growth and Cathy offers a range of resources to support you in this.

Cathy Love is the founding director of Nacre Consulting, a company dedicated to creating brilliance in others. Kids Therapy Network was Cathy’s first business adventure, a pioneer private practice in Melbourne in the late 1990’s. After 12 years of scaled success KTN was lucratively sold – now equipped with the vision for empowering Allied Health business owners, Cathy opened the doors of Nacre Consulting.