Protein essentials for AEPs. Presented by Evangeline Mouratidis APD AccSD
Marvellous macro or misguided myth? It’s the 21st century’s go-to macronutrient that signals health, satisfaction and muscle gains. Our clients are interested in protein, and so it’s something they ask us about. As Exercise Physiologists and movement professionals, we want to respond within our scope, and with confidence. Refresh your…
‘Working out’ opioids. Presented by Dr Pene Wood
Exercise Physiologists can contribute to minimising opioid harm Pain is debilitating, exhausting and has an impact on all parts of a person’s life. Multimodal management, including exercise, as we know, is recommended for chronic pain management. And another- medications including opioids - are in the mix. You’ll likely have clients…
Diet management for inborn errors of metabolism Kiera Batten, APD, PhD candidate
Inborn errors of metabolism are a specialised area, requiring very specific and robust dietary management. With the majority of inborn errors of metabolism involving defects in enzymes required to break down macronutrients including protein, fats or carbohydrates, it is crucial that these disorders are diagnosed very early on in life.…
Nutrition resources for food allergy
For dietitians looking to upskill, or to gain confidence in recognising the need for onward referral, Education in Nutrition has a range of food allergy resources to help Food allergy in adults. Two-part series Amanda Jackson, APD Dietitians are commonly the first point of contact for adults with an undiagnosed food allergy.…
Pursuing a Career as an Allergy Specialist Dietitian
Are you interested in becoming an allergy specialist Dietitian? With the incidence of food allergy on the rise, the need for expert advice in this area is increasing. Melbourne based allergy specialist dietitians and members of the ASCIA Dietetic Group Amanda Jackson and Marianne Tomlin have put together a check…
Fear of food presented by Marthe Van Iwaarden, Psychologist
Cibophobia, or the fear of food, is an increasingly common condition effecting both adults and children. As dietitians working with clients, we are almost all certain to encounter individuals effected by this. Thus, it is crucial that we understand how food anxiety and related mental health conditions are diagnosed and…
Female lifespan. Presented by Unna Goldsworthy AEP
Moving into female-specific exercise science for female-specific outcomes Within a month, and throughout a lifetime, a female’s body experiences a dynamic rhythm of changes that impact in physical, emotional and energetic ways. As we move forward with a spotlight on female specific science, we can harness the potential of these…
Top tips for developing a career in disability
For many people living with disabilities, the National Disability Insurance Scheme has increased access to allied health services - but there’s potential for further growth and for more input from dietitians. The 47% of NDIS participants not meeting current diet recommendations could benefit hugely from dietetic support - and for…
Nutrition resources for people with a disability
There is a huge variation in the nutritional needs of people with a disability. The skillset required is broad and Education in Nutrition has on-demand professional development to help you keep up-to-date in best clinical practice in this area. In our library you’ll find practical advice including working in the…
Exercise post COVID-19. Presented by Nathan Butler AEP
Assessment and prescription considerations for long COVID management *FREE* 1 CPD point - Available to download or stream now. “We talk about death, but what about the aftermath?” Nathan catches our attention with this very real question. He digs a little deeper with challenging details. Havervall et al (2021) found…