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Physical activity and sedentary behaviour presented by Paddy Dempsey, Exercise Physiologist








“There is nothing miraculous about exercise. What is extraordinary is how long it is taking mainstream medicine to accept the importance of physical activity” 

MacAuley D, Bauman A, Fremont P. Exercise: not a miracle cure, just good medicine. BMJ. 2015;350:h1416.

Paddy Dempsey is an exercise physiologist at the Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute and the Central Clinical School, Monash University.

Paddy’s research studies are involved in looking at the potential for preventing and managing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease through reducing sedentary behaviour. As an exercise physiologist he was able to explain the multitude of benefits of physical activity and the risks associated with inactivity.

Paddy updated us on the latest activity recommendations and showed stark figures documenting that most of us fall well short of the government’s physical activity guidelines. 

Most importantly he provided us with practice tips to inspire our clients (and perhaps ourselves) to move more.

To regster for a recording of Paddy's webinar and the associated documents click here