Practical Plant Based Eating: The Vegan Way to Good Nutrition. Amanda Benham APD & Lucy Taylor APD
The most common complaint by vegans is that they’re given poor nutritional advice by being told, “why don’t you just sometimes eat eggs or fish for some B12!?”. In this webinar, vegan APD’s Amanda Benham and Lucy Taylor provide you with more appropriate answers to vegan questions. They clearly explain…
Dietary management of eosinophilic oesophagitis. Presented by Vicki McWilliam AdvAPD
The Rise and Rise of Elimination Diet Approaches to Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) With the increase in EoE over the last 20 years, this webinar is presented by renowned Adv APD Vicki Mc William. In this one hour recorded webinar, Vicki gives a detailed explanation of how to recognise the signs…
Interpretation of hypercholesterolaemia. Presented by A/Prof Ken Sikaris
Ken gave a comprehensive explanation of lipid profiles and their role in the development of cardiovascular. How would you interpret the following lipid results? According to Ken..."Her cholesterol is fine. Her LDL level is fine. Her HDL is diabolically bad for a woman. It should…
Insulin resistance - How to manage it. Presented by Susie Burrell, APD
Your client complains of being tired, hungry, craving carbohydrates and an expanding waistline. A common presentation of someone with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a serious metabolic condition in which baseline insulin is unable to optimally regulate glucose meatabloism. Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes, but importantly, can be…
Review of Gastrostomy Tubes: Feeding methods and site care. Presented by Jacqui Bailey, APD
As dietitians we come across people, who for various reasons, are unable to eat or drink and require enteral feeding. Until now, dietitians have often maintained a fairly passive approach to their role of caring for someone with a gastrostomy tube. We greet our gastrostomy clients and order their tube…
Dietitians Association of Australia
The Dietitians Association of Australia is the national Association of dietitians, with 5000 members and branches in each state and territory. The peak body of dietetic and nutrition professionals, it aims to provide strategic leadership in food and nutrition through empowerment, advocacy, education, accreditation and communication. Accredited Practising Dietitians are…
Sports Dietitians Australia
Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) is a professional organisation of dietitians specialising in the field of sports nutrition. Our members take pride in providing current and cutting-edge sports nutrition information based on sound scientific principles for both the general public and health professionals - from maximising energy levels and knowing what…
Dietitian Connection
I would like to let you know about an exciting new website Dietitian Connection - The Essential Link for Nutrition Leaders (www.dietitianconnection.com). The website is designed to be the one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for evidence based nutrition information, handy resources, exciting job opportunities, upcoming events, new products, latest news…