Anorexia nervosa: case study Presented by Shane Jeffrey, APD
Jack is a 20-year-old semi-professional basketball player and medical student. He was referred to Shane by his GP with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Shane briefs us through Jacks’ 18 months of treatment using the RAVES model; the support Jack has from his parents, gradual introduction of sport and his…
Cortisol Dr Kamaldeep Manak, MRCGP (UK), FRACGP (Aus)
Not long ago, the effects of stress on health weren’t understood or considered significant. When someone described themselves as feeling stressed they were generally ignored or told there was nothing wrong with them. We now know that stress and increased cortisol levels have profound effects on our bodies. This is…
Nepali health promotion resources
A Melbourne GP and practice nurse visited a remote health clinic in Nepal in October to help set up a patient record system. At present, the clinic has no medical record system. They thought while they were there they could also offer some preventative health initiatives. Diabetes and tooth decay…
The effect of trauma on health Dr Tony McHugh, Clinical psychologist
The effect of trauma on health, the impact of childhood and adult-origin traumatisation Dr Tony McHugh, Clinical Psychologist How can trauma possibly be relevant to dietetic practice? Trauma related mental health conditions can result in poor physical health and in our day to day practice we are possibly seeing many…
Common beliefs about nutrition and cancer. Kirsty Rowan, APD
Rates of cancer are increasing in Australia and worldwide. More people than ever are being successfully treated with conventional medicine. However, that doesn’t stop some people diagnosed with cancer looking into alternative treatments which they believe may be just as or more effective than conventional medicine. In Kirsty’s presentation she…
Nutrition in older people: case study. Ngaire Hobbins, APD
Howard is an 85-year-old man who was referred to Ngaire for dietary assessment due to weight loss. Ngaire describes her findings which were reached by careful listening and observation from both Howard and his wife. Ngaire explains that in working with older people it is often important to talk not…
Intermittent fasting - are we there yet? An interview with Dr Michelle Harvie

The list of intermittent fasting books on Amazon goes on - and on, with pages of titles like Fasting: powerful ancient secrets to heal, stay healthy, slow ageing and boost energy. But there’s still much to learn about using intermittent energy restriction for weight loss and other potential health benefits…
Implementing IDDSI: case study. Julia Scott, Dietitian NZ
The International Dysphagia Diet Standard Initiative (IDDSI) is a global initiative which standardises the terminology and definitions of texture modified foods and thickened liquids. Australia is set to implement IDDSI by May 2019. In some areas of New Zealand, the implementation has already begun. Julia presented on the experience of…
Nutritional management following a Whipple procedure. Kylie Russell, RD New Zealand
Working at Auckland City Hospital in the area of GI surgery Kylie became frustrated with the inconsistent approach that the surgeons had to nutritional management following a Whipple procedure. She and two surgical colleagues have spent several months looking at the research in an attempt to get some consensus about…
Lung cancer: case study by Erin Laing APD
Karen is a 50 year old woman diagnosed with T3N1M0 non-small cell lung cancer. Her treatment involves six weeks of chemo therapy and radiation. Erin gives an outline of lung cancer and its medical treatment. She explains the chemo therapy and radiation side effects and in particular the timeline in…