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Exercise post COVID-19. Presented by Nathan Butler AEP

Assessment and prescription considerations for long COVID management  

*FREE* 1 CPD point - Available to download or stream now

“We talk about death, but what about the aftermath?” 

Nathan catches our attention with this very real question. He digs a little deeper with challenging details. Havervall et al (2021) found seropositive participants with mild COVID experienced long term symptoms including:

  • 2% moderately to markedly disrupted home life 
  • 8% moderately to markedly disrupted work life 
  • 15% moderately to markedly disrupted social life 

Day on day the individuals whose lives are impacted grows.  

As Exercise Physiologists and movement professionals we will be seeing these individuals. The manifestation of symptoms occurs in the obvious- declined respiratory function and deconditioning- and also in more subtle, but equally, life-impacting ways - post-COVID fatigue. 

The approach to management follows the architecture that is in place for the ME/CFS population. Nathan covers the essentials, creating a road map to help us navigate care, and sign posts where further learning is warranted. 

Ultimately, the conclusion is that exercise alone as a lone treatment is not the answer, yet we have an important part to play in offering education, planning and support.

Nathan Butler is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with 20 years’ experience. He has been the coordinator of specialist in- and out-patient programs in the areas of chronic fatigue syndrome, cardiac, respiratory and orthopaedic rehab both at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne and London’s Royal Free Hospital. He lectures Master's students at La Trobe and Victoria universities. 

In 2008, Nathan established Active Health Clinic based on his value of long-term self-management through knowledge, compassion and trust. His experience in invisible illnesses and respiratory conditions positions him well to guide practitioners who will be increasingly called upon to support clients experiencing long COVID-19 symptoms.

Exercise post COVID-19  
Presented by Nathan Butler AEP 
Assessment and prescription considerations for long COVID management  

*FREE* 1 CPD point - Available to download or stream now.