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Dietary management of eosinophilic oesophagitis. Dr Vicki McWilliam, PhD, AdvAPD

Eosinophilic oesophagitis is rare but becoming more common. It is often misdiagnosed or can take months or years to be identified.

Vicki first presented for us on the topic of EoE in 2015. Since then, results of local and international research have been published which form the dietary recommendations of Vicki’s presentation.

Vicki presents a clear and thorough update on the dietary management of EoE. She describes the diagnosis, gives a summary of treatment options then a detailed explanation of the most recent evidence for specific elimination diets (amino acid formula, allergy testing, 6-8 food elimination diets, 4 food elimination diets, step-up diets and single food exclusions). She helps identify which diet you should choose for your client including practical aspects of managing the diet.

Vicki’s take home message is that the dietary treatment of EoE is rapidly evolving so it’s worth checking that your current dietary recommendations are up to date.

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