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Using Health Apps with our clients by Kelli Hale, APD, PhD candidate












Kelli has over 15 years experience in private practice. Her special interest is in communication and counselling for behaviour change. In 2012 Kelli commenced a PhD at the University of Queensland looking for novel dietetic interventions to support adults with type two diabetes.

Kelli presented her research on health Apps to a full house at the DAA conference in 2015. Australians have one of the highest uses of Apps in the world. There are literally thousands of health and fitness Apps available to anyone with a smart phone.

How do we decide which Apps to suggest? How should we support our client using a new App? And most importantly, is there any evidence that they are helpful?

Kelli was able to explain the potential that health Apps have for assisting our clients. She also was able to give us strategies to identify a suitable App based on the individual needs of your client. For example- is your client struggling with time to cook? Do they have a poor understanding of what healthy eating is? Do they need coaching to help them manage perceived barriers to change? Would getting feedback on their activity motivate them?

Once you have helped a client identify an App which may be useful it’s important to support them using it. It was fascinating to have Kelli decode a new and exciting area in communication and behaviour change.

Click here to register for Kelli Hale’s webinar on Using heath Apps with our clients