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News & Reviews

05 May

Nutrition for depression and anxiety by Sophie Mahoney, APD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

With over 40% (over 2 in 5) of 16-85 years-old individuals in Australia being predicted to experience a mental health disorder in their life, and 1 in 5 of these Australians experiencing a mental health disorder in the past 12 months, it is crucial that we advocate for mental health…

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29 Apr

Systemic cancer therapies by Nicola Brown, Advanced Oncology Dietitian

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Systemic cancer therapies are a rapidly evolving area, with an increasing number of treatment options being available for patients. Systemic cancer treatments include chemotherapy, hormonal, targeted and immunotherapy and are treatments which travel through the bloodstream, reaching and effecting cells all over the body. These treatments can be adminstered through…

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20 Apr

Nutrition in people with advanced dementia- Part 2: Strategies for people with dementia & caregivers

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Dementia can significantly effect eating habits, negatively impacting health outcomes, and increasing the risk of malnutrition. With more than half of people in residential aged care facilities having dementia and 1.5 million people caring for people with dementia nationwide, it is crucial that the nutritional wellbeing of people living with…

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12 Apr

Nutrition in people with advanced dementia- Part 1: Nutritional assessment by Isabelle Goodwin, APD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Dementia is a growing public health issue, continuing to increase in prevalence, being the second leading cause of death in Australia and the leading cause of death in women. With 68% of aged care residents having dementia, many elderly Australians are either personally effected by dementia themselves or know someone…

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03 Apr

Resilience presented by Cathy Love, Accredited Coach, Occupational Therapist

As health practitioners, and perhaps small business owners, we want to be successful, effective and sustainable. It makes sense then, that we are interested in resilience- that is, the ability to recover quickly from challenges. Because of course, challenges are an inevitable and inherent part of our work. Cathy Love…

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02 Apr

Autism and exercise prescription, Presented by Ben Turner AEP

Meeting the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder All of our clients have their own individual needs, regardless of whether they have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or not. Yet, the needs of individuals with ASD often have layers of complexity. Once these are discovered and considered for engaging with an…

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27 Mar

Compassion fatigue review

Dietitians work with people, and so, we are at risk of experiencing compassion fatigue.  Compassion fatigue, at its core, is the cost of caring.                                                                         Anastasia Goussios Thank you to the dietitians who last week attended the Education in Nutrition live event Compassion Fatigue presented by Anastasia Goussios from Compassion…

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22 Mar

Food practices of Sri Lanka and the Indian subcontinent by Nazreen Nakeeb, APD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

With the increasing cultural diversity of Australia, including migrants from Sri Lanka and the Indian subcontinent, having a thorough understanding of traditional cultural food practices, dietary shifts over time and the health implications of these changes are key. The ‘healthy migrant’ effect is of particular interest to researchers in amongst…

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15 Mar

Ultra-processed foods – an update by Dr Priscila Machado, PhD, Research Fellow

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

In Australia, ultra-processed foods have become mainstream, with many children and adults frequently consuming these products. Not only are ultra-processed foods harmful for our health when consumed excessively, increasing our risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, gut dysbiosis, cancer, and associated mortality, but they are also harmful for our…

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07 Mar

Semaglutide presented by Dr Terri-Lynne South

The once-a-week injectable GLP-1 medication semaglutide is a hot topic. Although indicated for type 2 diabetes, it has potential for application in other cardiometabolic disease and for weight loss. Dual qualified as both a medical doctor and a dietitian, Dr Terri-Lynne South introduces us to semaglutide which is known in…

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