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Nutrition for endometriosis presented by Nadia Maxwell, APD

Supporting symptom relief: Better serve your clients with endometriosis through holistic nutrition care.

If nutrition’s impact reaches across all body systems, and endometriosis is a condition that impacts all body systems; it makes sense then that dietitians have a role to play here. Nadia Maxwell passionately advocates for how we can serve our clients with endo to manage their pain and digestive symptoms.

Learn about:

  • the connections between the gut and endo symptoms
  • pain science in the context of endometriosis
  • the full dietitian toolbox for endo symptoms

The presentation covers:

  • An overview of endometriosis
  • Understanding pain and digestive symptoms in endometriosis
  • Assessing you client with endometriosis
  • Nutrition for pain and digestive symptoms

Nadia Maxwell is a Dietitian and Clinical Hypnotherapist who supports people with periods to soothe symptoms, heal their relationship with food and nourish themselves better. She has a special interest in supporting people with endometriosis and pelvic pain to improve their symptoms without restrictive diets. Nadia co-facilitates dietitian training on the topic of endometriosis and is passionate about supporting clinicians to better serve their clients with pelvic pain in a holistic way. Nadia works with clients online and in-person in Melbourne and Geelong.