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News & Reviews

07 Nov

Education in Exercise research snapshot November 2021

Internalised weight stigma as a mediator of the relationship between experienced/perceived weight stigma and biopsychosocial outcomes: a systematic review Preliminary evidence for internalised weight stigma as an intervening variable in adverse health outcomes.  There are potential benefits of interventions addressing internalised weight stigma to improve health outcomes.   Do exercise-associated genes explain phenotypic…

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30 Oct

Crohn’s disease: Recent experiences with exclusion diets. Rumbi Mutsekwa, APD, PhD candidate

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

With 1 in 250 Australians being impacted by Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn’s Disease is a prevalent condition and is associated with a significant impact on health-related quality of life. In the past, diet was not previously classified as a crucial aspect of Crohn’s disease management. However, in recent times, the…

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30 Oct

Managing difficult clients. A reflective piece written by a graduate dietitian.

As a graduate dietitian working in private practice, I have worked with a range of personalities, unfortunately including some disrespectful and aggressive clients. I felt most vulnerable a few months back seeing a woman in her seventies who worked in a management role. Before bringing her into the room, she…

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19 Oct

Disordered eating and eating disorders in type 1 diabetes. Presented by Helen d’Emden, AdvAPD, CDE,

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Disordered eating and eating disorders are significantly prevalent amongst people living with type 1 diabetes, with up to 40% of individuals effected, indicating the importance of routine screening for early intervention. The contributing factors to increased prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating are complex, ranging from diabetes-specific factors, such…

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17 Oct

Education in Exercise: Research snapshot for October 2021

Not surprisingly, recently published literature is increasingly containing ideas that are relevant to our health and well-being during this COVID-19 era. Also in this snapshot- gut microbiota, anaemia, Indigenous PA participation and yoga.  One tap full text access is ready when you are. Read the entire article to contribute towards…

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15 Oct

Exercise for hypermobility conditions. Presented by Hannah Dower AEP

An introduction for AEPs: screen, manage and teach our clients to thrive. Hypermobility may be considered a key feature of many musculoskeletal conditions, and yet its clinical relevance and consideration for exercise prescription seems to be underexplored. Like other conditions with nervous system involvement, its recent history has been occupied…

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12 Oct

Psychosocial screening for type 1 diabetes. Presented by Helen d’Emden, AdvAPD, CDE, MPhil

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Managing Type 1 Diabetes is demanding, requiring the performance of numerous daily tasks, including monitoring blood glucose levels, counting carbohydrate intake, taking medication, and working out an insulin regimen. This process is exhausting for individuals, can increase incidence of disordered eating, and lead to diabetes burnout. Hence, the optimisation of…

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06 Oct

Pre-term infants: long-term nutritional issues. Colleen Oliver, Neonatal Specialist Dietitian

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Pre-term infants are a diverse population with very different nutritional needs to infants born at full-term. As almost 9% of infants are being born pre-term in Australia, with medical and nutritional interventions drastically increasing survival rates, the importance of a neonatal dietitian is becoming increasingly recognised in meeting their nutritional…

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29 Sep

Three weight management case studies. Presented by Peta Cullis, APD.

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

With the prevalence of obesity increasing, weight management is one of the most common reasons for dietitian referral, with health professionals having varying approaches to client management. Many of our clients are often confused and overwhelmed by the mixed messages which they receive, sometimes making it difficult for us as…

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28 Sep

Communicating for behaviour change. Presented by Sharon Curtain, Dietitian

Helping clients harness motivation and recognise strengths to achieve their health and wellbeing goals.  Supporting meaningful behaviour change is a core role of exercise physiologists. Sharon offers us a calm and clear presentation of very practical skills for communicating to facilitate behaviour change in a clinical setting.  Throughout we are…

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