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News & Reviews

31 May

Social media essentials for dietitians. Presented by Kristy Schirmer MPH,Health Promotion/Education

As health professionals, making the most of the opportunities of social media makes sense. Yet, the skill set is typically outside of our core scope of talents and the potential for time overwhelm is ever present. To enhance our social media influence as health professionals we need a deliberate approach…

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25 May

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Presented by Florence Kelly AEP

Part 2: Providing compassionate and effective EP treatment  We have the privilege of observing the process of working with a client with ME/CFS from the initial assessment through to potential discharge. To start out, Florence suggests we address the perpetuating factors of ME/CFS in order to create space and opportunity…

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24 May

Plain English allergen labelling: What’s new? Presented by Ingrid Roche, APD

With rates of food allergies rapidly increasing in Australia over the past 20 years, many consumers with food allergies are reliant on robust food labelling to avoid consuming food allergens. Until this year, there was no specific regulation within The Food Standards Code as to which format specifications allergens must…

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18 May

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Presented by Florence Kelly AEP

Part 1: Pathophysiology and current movement guidelines Simply arriving at the nomenclature of ME/CFS is a story in itself and is a fair reflection of the complex history that is carried by those who have a lived experience of this syndrome. This understanding positions us well to be thoughtful in…

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17 May

Pancreatic cancer. Presented by Lauren Atkins, AdvAPD and Elise Den, APD

The pancreas’s role in digestion, absorption and blood sugar regulation means that people with pancreatic cancer can have overwhelming nutrition impact symptoms. Dietitians play an essential role in their care and as part of the health team.  This presentation contains a complete overview of pancreatic cancer. Elise and Lauren provide…

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11 May

Therapeutic fasting for type 2 diabetes reversal presented by Camilla Dahl, APD

Therapeutic fasting is rapidly gaining popularity as an effective way to combat insulin resistance and manage type 2 diabetes. Despite being a more recently discovered means of achieving diabetes reversal, therapeutic fasting has in fact been around for thousands of years, traditionally used by many cultural and religious groups across…

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27 Apr

Iron deficiency. Presented by Katherine Shone, APD, AdvSD

Limiting exercise capacity in women.  In a culture where women will tend to minimise their experiences or offer self-criticism, the support of a health professional can be of great value. Helping to identify iron deficiency, to promote its successful treatment and to ultimately increase a woman’s capacity for exercise (and…

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26 Apr

How reader-friendly are your patient resources?

By Paula Goodyer

What’s wrong with this sentence? A low residue diet may be recommended for people who experience repeated episodes of bowel obstruction. It’s the kind of complex language often used in patient information that people find hard to grasp - and Dr Kelly Lambert, AdvAPD wants it weeded out of nutrition…

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20 Apr

Breath training. Presented by James Fletcher

Make the work of breathing easier.  We take for granted that breath facilitates movement of all kinds, for all of our clients. The function and capacity of the muscles that perform the work of breathing is often overlooked. James sparks our interest in improving the strength of breathing muscles, to…

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15 Apr

Coronary calcium scoring, Dr Ross Walker, Cardiologist, MBBS (Hons) FRACP FCSANZ

Dr Walker reasons that we focus far too much on cholesterol and blood lipids as risk factors for cardiovascular disease, often resulting in the inappropriate use of statin therapy. He explains how coronary artery calcium is a highly specific marker of atherosclerosis and the best predictor for a cardiovascular event.…

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Page 24 of 53 pages