Fad Diets. Simone Austin, APD, AdvSD
Fad Diets have been around for hundreds of years and look likely to be around for a while yet. As dietitians we can easily spot the problems with Fad Diets. But for people who want to lose weight fast the promise…
NDIS Frequently Asked Questions Aimee Mcleod-Taylor, APD and convenor of the DAA Disability IG
The NDIS is still fairly new and it is still evolving. This free webinar was designed to try and answer some of our common queries about working with the NDIS. Participants of the NDIS deserve to have access to the best…
Wilson’s disease. Kylie Russell, Registered Dietitian NZ.
Dietary copper restriction has long been considered an important aspect of treatment for Wilson’s disease. But proof supporting copper restriction has actually never been established. With this in mind Kylie thoroughly researched the literature to examine what evidence was available. In…
How to use a non-diet approach in your practice Zoe Nicholson, APD, AN
In a world that is conditioned to believe that thin is good and fat is bad, our clients are more obsessed with weight loss than ever before. But most people who lose weight regain it, with 66% ending up heavier. So,…
Making Sense of Common Biochemical Measures Anthony Meade, APD
As dietitians, when we look at biochemical results we feel confident when they are within the normal range, but how do we interpret results outside the normal range? Anthony has 15 years’ experience in the area of renal nutrition and he explains how to make sense of our client’s biochemical…
Cystic Fibrosis: Part 2, Andrea Kench, APD and Natalie van der Haak, APD
In Part 2 of the Cystic Fibrosis webinar series Natalie and Andrea present a case study, Miss Jane, an 18 year old woman with Cystic Fibrosis diagnosed at birth. By watching this case study Andrea and Natalie guide us through their problem…
Cystic Fibrosis: Part 1, Andrea Kench, APD and Natalie van der Haak, APD
Specialised CF care has led to a dramatic improvement in survival in the last 4 decades. The evidence for the nutritional management of CF is strong but changes over time, so it is important to be aware of best practise. …
Food addiction Dr Robyn Brown, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Addiction to food – is it possible? Food is necessary for our survival so the concept of food addiction seems ludicrous, but it appears the particular brain changes which occur in people with cocaine and other addictions also occur when some…
Toddler Eating and Nutrition Judith Myers, APD, MPH
Developmentally, toddlers fall in between infants and children but they are very different to both. How and what a toddler eats is imperative to avoid eating issues in childhood and later life. As dietitians, we are in an excellent position to help parents navigate…
Insects: why we should be eating them, Nicole Senior, APD
Entomophagy: the practice of eating insects. Humans have harvested and eaten the eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of certain insect species for thousands of years. Insects are an excellent source of vitamins, protein, fats, fibre, micronutrients and essential minerals. Nicole is…