Binge eating: case studies. Presented by Jo Money, APD
Jo provides a general background to BED, firstly explaining the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and then examining the multiple factors in the aetiology of an eating disorder. She uses her extensive experience and knowledge of best current practice to describe her management of two clients with BED. Of particular note are…
Dietitians in 2020: it’s not just about nutrition
One thing 2020 has underscored is that there’s more to being a dietitian than nutrition science alone. As many clients wrestled with the effects of lockdown on their eating, and face to face consultations went on hold, dietitians learned to build a rapport with clients via phone and video. Some…
Nutrition in endometriosis and fertility. Dian Shepperson Mills, Registered Nutritionist, UK
Dian is a nutritionist based in the UK who specialises in endometriosis and fertility. For decades Dian suffered from debilitating endometriosis. She underwent multiple surgeries and medical treatments before researching the role of diet and nutrition in endometriosis. With the life changing effects that diet and nutrition had on her…
Prostate cancer: nutrition and exercise across the continuum. Dr Brenton Baguley PhD, APD
In Australia and New Zealand prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Being diagnosed and going through treatment for prostate cancer can be a confronting and upsetting experience. Brenton describes the significant role dietitians have in working with men with prostate cancer. He explains the prostate cancer…
FREE Cancer-related malnutrition and sarcopenia. Presented by Dr Nicole Kiss, PhD, AdvAPD
Multiple Australian and international evidence-based guidelines support the early identification and treatment of cancer-related malnutrition and sarcopenia, however there is considerable variation in practices across health care settings. The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) position statement is designed to provide a framework to achieve optimal care and help us…
Doing no harm with Health At Every Size® Presented by Anneke Hobson, MPH, MA, RD, Canada
Anneke describes the research which has been the backbone of the HAES® movement. She explains the findings of two areas in particular. The association between weight and health, and the harms and ineffectiveness of weight-loss attempts. She then details the application of the five principles of Health At Every Size…
Paediatric Dietetics: Popular Questions and Practical Tips. Presented by Alexia O’Callaghan, APD
Alexia uses the example of a toddler to outline the principles of dietetics which are relevant to any paediatric age group. She begins by considering how to prepare for the appointment. Setting up your clinic room so it is safe and child friendly. Structuring the appointment involves having a flexible…
Approaches to management of IBS. Presented by Joanna Baker, APD
Clients presenting to us with irritable bowel syndrome can have a whole array of symptoms including indigestion, reflux, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, wind, diarrhoea and constipation. Many of our clients may have trialled the Low FODMAP already and are seeing us because it has not helped significantly. Deciding on…
Nutrition support in frailty, Andrea Alano, APD
In Andrea’s presentation she provides the current definitions of frailty, methods of assessing it and the most recent guidelines on managing it. The nutritional management of frailty includes ensuring our clients are not only having enough protein to preserve muscle mass and stimulate muscle protein synthesis, but that it is…
Diabetes care planner
Dr Nicole Kellow’s presentation earlier this year on preventing complications in type 2 diabetes was the inspiration behind our diabetes care planner. Managing type 2 diabetes can feel overwhelming at times. Our planner is designed to assist clients manage their diabetes. You can download it here