Growing up milk. Presented by Amy Lovell, PhD, Paediatric Dietitian (NZRD)
It is crucial that from an early age children receive diets which are adequate for growth and development. Currently, around 40% of the food children eat is ultra-processed and they are missing out on key nutrients. Growing up milks have been cleverly designed to attempt to meet some of these…
International Congress of Dietetics: five reasons to go
1. It’s tackling big issues Sustainable eating, the gut microbiome in dietetic practice, the allergy epidemic -and navigating conflict of interest in the age of toddler milk - are just some of the topics at this four day conference in Cape Town in September. Climate change is on our minds…
Indirect calorimetry- A practical guide for clinicians. Presented by Dr Emma Ridley, PhD, APD, MPH
In Emma’s presentation she describes the application of indirect calorimetry in the clinical setting. She explains: The inaccuracy of energy estimation equations in clinical practice hence the need for a more accurate way to estimate energy requirements. The metabolic theory of indirect calorimetry. Metabolism occurs through the use of oxygen…
Fussy eating, not chewing and motor development: identifying a link
Presented by: Dr Denise Stapleton, PhD, APD Denise describes the case of a 14-month-old toddler who was referred to her due to an increase in fussy eating. On investigation, the toddler was often gagging and vomiting on her food, had difficulty chewing and was delayed in her development. In her…
Psychogastroenterology. Dr Jim Kantidakis, Gut-directed Psychologist & Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jim Kantidakis was the first psychologist in Australia to specialise in the Psychological /Hypnotherapy treatment of individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal problems. Why should we consider a psychological approach to a condition which is considered to be physical like the gut? Jim explains the brain and gut develop in the same…
Dietary considerations in T1DM pregnancies. Presented by Sally Marchini, APD
Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause alterations in blood glucose metabolism which can be challenging for women with type 1 diabetes. In Sally’s presentation she describes the effect of these hormonal changes during the stages of pregnancy. A summary of these are: 1st Trimester From conception to 3-4 weeks – a…
Mental Health: Where Nutrition meets Psychiatry. Presented by Nicola Walters, RD, South Africa
In Nicola’s presentation she gives a comprehensive review of the most recent international evidence for the effect of diet in mental health. She begins by examining global mental health statistics as a leading cause of global disability then provides an analysis of the evidence: Diet as a whole. Unhealthy dietary…
Nutrition trends and fads since 1986. Presented by Catherine Saxelby, APD
For over thirty years Catherine has been helping consumers distinguish good nutrition from nutribabble. Nutrition fads and trends will be with us forever. We need to keep up with the most recent trends and be able to provide a voice of reason. In her presentation Catherine describes: Diet fads over…
The way we were - Catherine Saxelby on three decades of nutrition
For over 30 years dietitian Catherine Saxelby has helped consumers navigate nutrition both via Foodwatch and books like Nutrition for Life, her healthy eating guide first published in 1986 - a time when paleo was about fossils, not food, and no one had heard of oat milk. Since then we’ve…
Nutrition Care Process: Foundation. Presented by Dr Varitha Kinghorn, PhD, AdvAPD
Dietitians often struggle to prove the effectiveness of their nutrition interventions. The nutrition care process can be used to help track health outcomes, which can then demonstrate the value of our nutrition input. The benefits of using the NCP include: Evaluating the outcomes of patient care and conditions from medical…