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News & Reviews

30 Jan

A dietitian’s guide to working in the NDIS. A 3-part series presented by Shannyn Thatcher, APD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Since the official roll-out of The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in 2016, many individuals living with disabilities have had increased access to allied health services. However, there is a potential for further growth; with at least 47% of participants not meeting current diet recommendations, NDIS participants could greatly benefit…

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24 Jan

Writing GP letters: top tips for dietitians

Communicating with GPs and other clinicians who refer clients to us is part of what dietitians do. It meets Medicare requirements for Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plans, it monitors client progress and can flag concerns about a client. It can also provide GPs with some nutrition knowledge and affirms that…

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12 Jan

Childhood eczema, food allergy and nutrition by Ingrid Roche and Jemma Weidinger

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Eczema is a very common condition, affecting 1 in 4 children and can have significant physical and mental health implications. Although diets have been more commonly used to prevent eczema, such as the RPAH elimination diet, it is now thought that food allergy is a consequence of eczema, rather than…

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15 Dec

The impact of COVID-19 on eating disorders by Sylvia Pyatt, UK and New Zealand Registered Dietitian

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on eating disorders, both worsening pre-existing conditions and, also resulting in an increased incidence of newly diagnosed eating disorders. The negative effects of the pandemic on eating disorders have been worldwide, with eating disorder prevalence almost doubling in the UK, a 123% increase in…

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14 Dec

Weight stigma. Presented by Jo Money APD

The socially acceptable prejudice Compared to other forms of prejudice, like race and sex, being openly intolerant to people who are in large bodies is generally acceptable, which is why weight stigma is often referred to as the last socially acceptable prejudice. Jo argues that the dominate beliefs in western…

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09 Dec

Two weight management case studies by Amanda Clarke, AdvAPD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

With weight management being a very common reason for dietetic referral, it is crucial that we address this area with confidence, meeting the client where they are at. Clients have often presented having tried numerous fad diets and unsuccessful weight-loss journeys, being willing to try whatever it takes to lose…

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06 Dec

Body composition manipulation case study by Rebekka Frazer, APD, AccSD

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

Body composition manipulation through a reduction in fat mass and an increase in muscle mass is a common physical goal. At times, clients initially present feeling frustrated that they have not achieved the goals they were aiming for. As dietitians, it is crucial that we have a collaborative approach, reviewing…

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05 Dec

Professional development in the time of COVID - the rise of the webinar

Before COVID upended our lives in 2020, webinars made up around 30% of professional development for most of the dietitians answering our 2019 survey. Two years on, that picture has changed: in our 2021 survey 93% of dietitians surveyed said that recorded webinars and online presentations provided most of their professional…

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05 Dec

Supporting body image concerns, professional development for EPs

ESSA accredited 1 CPD point professional development focussed on supporting body image concerns and promoting inclusivity in our practice. Heartful and progressive content with contributions from both Exercise Physiologists and our Dietitian colleagues.  Exercise addiction When movement becomes harmful. Liz Hewett AEP  Health At Every Size®  An introduction for Exercise…

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28 Nov

Surviving the first year- a graduate’s reflections

By Anthea Talliopoulos, APD

The first year out as a graduate dietitian is a steep learning curve. At times, it can feel intimidating and we can even question our competence as a clinician. After working in private practice over the past year, I’m sharing some of my experiences to help motivate new graduates, and…

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