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News & Reviews

26 Mar

Identifying eating disorders in the primary care setting. Presented by Jen Pfeifler, APD,ASD

This presentation was produced for GPs to help identify eating disorders in primary care. The Eating Disorder Plan (EDP) released by Medicare in November 2019  has highlighted the importance of being able to identify patients with eating disorders and offering them timely and appropriate treatment. Both GPs and dietitians who…

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26 Mar

COVID 19 anxiety and food

Anxiety happens when we worry or feel uncertain about our future. And COVID 19 has certainly provided us with a lot of fuel for an uncertain future. That thinking of ‘What if?’ ‘What if I get sick?’ ‘What if my friends or family or elderly loved ones or clients get…

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20 Mar

Nutritional Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Presented by Liz Purcell, AdvAPD

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are chronic auto-inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. IBD affects more than 80,000 Australians, 60% of whom are under the age of 40yrs and the occurrence is higher in urban populations. There is a projected 20-25% increase in incidence of IBD by 2022. The cause…

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13 Mar

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Diabetes. Presented by Professor Dianna Magliano

We use chemicals to make our lives better. On the market today there are more than 100,000 chemicals and we use them as if they are utterly safe. The reality is very few have been tested for harmful effects. The exponential rise in the worldwide incidence of obesity and diabetes…

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06 Mar

Growing up milk. Presented by Amy Lovell, PhD, Paediatric Dietitian (NZRD)

It is crucial that from an early age children receive diets which are adequate for growth and development. Currently, around 40% of the food children eat is ultra-processed and they are missing out on key nutrients. Growing up milks have been cleverly designed to attempt to meet some of these…

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04 Mar

International Congress of Dietetics: five reasons to go

By Paula Goodyer

1. It’s tackling big issues Sustainable eating, the gut microbiome in dietetic practice, the allergy epidemic -and navigating conflict of interest in the age of toddler milk - are just some of the topics at this four day conference in Cape Town in September. Climate change is on our minds…

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28 Feb

Indirect calorimetry- A practical guide for clinicians. Presented by Dr Emma Ridley, PhD, APD, MPH

In Emma’s presentation she describes the application of indirect calorimetry in the clinical setting. She explains: The inaccuracy of energy estimation equations in clinical practice hence the need for a more accurate way to estimate energy requirements. The metabolic theory of indirect calorimetry. Metabolism occurs through the use of oxygen…

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21 Feb

Fussy eating, not chewing and motor development: identifying a link

Presented by: Dr Denise Stapleton, PhD, APD Denise describes the case of a 14-month-old toddler who was referred to her due to an increase in fussy eating. On investigation, the toddler was often gagging and vomiting on her food, had difficulty chewing and was delayed in her development. In her…

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14 Feb

Psychogastroenterology. Dr Jim Kantidakis, Gut-directed Psychologist & Clinical Hypnotherapist

Jim Kantidakis was the first psychologist in Australia to specialise in the Psychological /Hypnotherapy treatment of individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal problems. Why should we consider a psychological approach to a condition which is considered to be physical like the gut? Jim explains the brain and gut develop in the same…

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07 Feb

Dietary considerations in T1DM pregnancies. Presented by Sally Marchini, APD

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause alterations in blood glucose metabolism which can be challenging for women with type 1 diabetes. In Sally’s presentation she describes the effect of these hormonal changes during the stages of pregnancy. A summary of these are: 1st Trimester From conception to 3-4 weeks – a…

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Page 31 of 53 pages