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Using HIIT for Type 2 Diabetes

01 Jun, 2022

Evidence update on efficacy, safety, and feasibility in clinical exercise prescription 

The presentation covers: 

  • Why use high-intensity interval training in type 2 diabetes?
  • Combining resistance exercise with HIIT 
  • Tips for using HIIT in clinical practice

This presentation is eligible to contribute 1 point towards your annual professional development points. 

ESSA professional development category: Further Education- Industry Courses.

About the presenter

Emily Cox completed a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science majoring in Clinical Exercise Physiology at The University of Queensland. Working as an AEP in cardiometabolic disease for older people sparked her interest in optimizing the prescription of, and adherence to, exercise. In 2020, Emily completed her PhD exploring the efficacy, safety and feasibility of low-volume combined aerobic and resistance high-intensity interval training in people with type 2 diabetes. She currently lectures at the University of Newcastle. 

Registration includes:

  • Access to a recording of the webinar
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

Registration types: 

  • Individual on-demand presentation: $38 (special - buy 5 and receive 7)
  • Multi-user: $99
  • Individual annual subscriber – 12 months access to entire Education in Exercise library: $144 (Group pricing is also available)
  • Individual and group subscriptions – 12 months access to both the Education in Exercise and Education in Nutrition libraries learn more here.