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Nutrition and dietetics in a climate emergency

17 May, 2024

Contributing to a more hopeful and resilient future

The presentation covers:

  • What is ‘Planetary Health’ and just how urgently must we respond to the climate crisis?
  • How does the climate emergency impact nutrition and dietetic practice?
    • The acute impacts – responding to climate-related disasters
    • The chronic impacts – emerging diseases and disease patterns, climate-related deaths and morbidity
  • How can our workforce contribute to a more hopeful and resilient future?

Read a review of the presentation here

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About the Presenter

Liza is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food, where she teaches Public Health Nutrition and Food Sustainability Systems for nutrition science and dietetics students. Together with her colleague Dr Julia McCartan, Liza designed one of Australia's first undergraduate units on food sustainability systems for nutrition and dietetics students, which she continues to coordinate.

Liza is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian (AdvAPD) with practical experience in community and clinical dietetics, food service and public health nutrition. These roles have enabled Liza to work in the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions of remote Western Australia, Alice Springs, the Kingdom of Tonga and Metropolitan Melbourne.  

Liza is an active member of Dietitian Australia's Food and Environment leadership committee and led the development of their first National position paper on Healthy and Sustainable Diets. Liza is an Australian Advisor on the International Confederation of Dietetic Association's (ICDA) sustainable food systems toolkit.

Liza's PhD explored the role of local government policy in promoting a population-wide shift to healthy and environmentally sustainable diets. Liza currently holds a Faculty Education Fellowship (2022-2024) where she is leading an interdisciplinary project to co-design planetary health curriculum with educators and students from various health professions at Monash University. 

Registration includes

  • Access to a recording of the presentation
  • Presentation notes
  • Assessment quiz and certificate
  • Suggested further reading

Open Access

This presentation is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited