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Nutrigenomics part 2: Applying nutrigenomics in your practice

21 Jul, 2016

This is the second of a two-part series on nutrigenomics

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The presentation covers the practical application of the following nutrigenomics tests:

Iron status

Weight management

Food intolerances: gluten and lactose

Eating behaviour: sugar preference and fat taste  

Watching this presentation and completing the assessment can contribute towards assessable Continuing Professional Development hours

About the presenter

Dr Flavia Fayet-Moore (MNutrDiet, RNutr, APD, PhD), founder and director of Nutrition Research Australia, is a registered nutritionist, accredited practising dietitian, sports nutritionist and honorary associate of the University of Sydney. Flavia’s research focuses on the assessment of diet and nutritional status in large population studies and in the field of nutrigenomics. She graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Science (Nutritional Sciences Specialist), and obtained her Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and a PhD in nutrition from the University of Sydney. She is an active member of the Nutrition Society of Australia, the Dietitian’s Association of Australia, the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, and a founding board member of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.Heading 4

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Access to a recording of the presentation
Presentation notes
Multiple choice questions and answers
Suggested further reading

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Recording: $38 to receive a recording of the webinar and associated documents
Subscription: $33 monthly to receive all Education in Nutrition recordings (minimum 40 a year)